And now I'm back. Here's some Autumn photos.
I think that about covers it?
It's hard not to like this time of year. *sighs dreamily* I think this is an oak?
My folks' driveway. High-pressure water cannon required. Thankfully, they'll do it as soon as they know I posted this name-and-shame photo.
Under the canopy, the change is not complete. Kinda metamorphic, I guess?
You know, I think they squeezed several crops in this year. This must be the stubble from crop number three?
Yep. Autumn, Love these colours under a blue sky.
I've tried to take this picture several times over the past year. Finally, it's about right.
I know, I know...
You may remember a similar shot to this on my 2014 calendar? It's one of my favourites. Well, this is the same place, different season, still moody.
My first ever "sunshine" shot. Which sounds dodgier than I intended.
I saw the turning trees yesterday, but couldn't stop. They were under the "golden hour" sunshine, and alive with colour. Today? Not so much. There's a lesson in there somewhere.
The Bedfordshire hills. Very pretty today, tho dozing happily.
The road outside my house. Cool, huh?
This blog entry is protected by copyright © Indigo Roth, 2009-2014