2012 is well under way, and there's things I want to do; I have a book to write, representation to find, a million copies to sell, and a reputation to forge.
Yes, despite my Fractal Slacker mindset, I remain a man of Ambition.
The first step towards Legendary Author status is to solidify my online presence.
So, as Mrs. Thatcher almost once said, We are a Domain.

Yep, you've been redirected from the old Blogspot sub-domain.
Mark the date in the diary, and ready some grandkids; you'll want to tell them.
*stands proud in a magnificent suit and necktie*
Okay, that's quite enough of that. But while I'm bigging myself up, I'm delighted to report that my second published tale is finally available:

I won't see a penny for it, not even a free copy, but I'm happy to be out there.
So, the future in under way. Thanks for helping me get there.
This blatant self promotion was brought to you by the letter 'I'.
This blog entry is protected by copyright © Indigo Roth, 2012.
Fractal is from Irish View's Fractal Art, copyright © Nathan Smith, 2009