Oh, hush.
Some folk say that my photo style in distinctive. But I say I just want you to be sure you've found the right blog.
Alistair loves this kind of thing. It inexplicably made me hungry.
I was at the seaside yesterday. This über-cute pooch was my first photo of the day. I had to photoshop his lead out, mind. Yes, I like to set them free.
This is a bird. If it was still in colour, I'd remember what sort it is. I DO remember that it's sitting on a lobster pot, mind. I had a photo of a seagull sitting on a wooden post with the sea behind it that I was going to use at this point. But then I realised it wasn't interesting.
Roof tiles. And they could do with a scrub, let's be honest.
Scruffy starlings. One of those two words is unnecessary.
A bluetit (I think) and a sparrow play peek-a-boo. They're probably discussing the inclusion of porridge oats, most of which ended up on the lawn.
I'm told this is a Siskin. That's a new one on me.
A lady blackbird searches for its mate. I saw him about, but he was a shifty bugger, and looked like he'd been drinking.
I'm going to stick my neck out and say this is a great tit? Someone will correct me, I'm sure. Or giggle. He was a handsome little sod - and nicely focused - whatever he was.
A bollard. Ahoy!
Two horse police constables, walking the beat.
If Slash was a horse?
This little beauty wandered over to the car and stuck her nose in through the open window. I thought this was lovely, but she was distressed by my lack of apples and polo mints, and wandered off.
And to finish, this lad. For some reason, this reminds me of Kurt Cobain.
It's probably the hair.
That, and he left a load of teen spirit in the middle of the road.
This blog entry is protected by copyright © Indigo Roth, 2009-2014