Friday, June 07, 2013

* A Sense Of Completism

This blog entry has been removed, revised and included in the romping sci-fi epic TESTAMENT: FUNNY BADGERS by Indigo Roth, Red Angel Publishing, 2013.

Its reference in the book is 1 ROTH 9:1-21

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This blog entry is protected by copyright © Indigo Roth, 2009-2014


  1. Missed opportunity! You should have run down to the beautiful woman, told her what an unappreciative, rude S.O.B. her boyfriend was and invited her in for pizza.

    Do I have to do everything? ;)

    1. Dammit Jayne, I wish you'd been here to nudge me about it earlier! Tho had you been, I wouldn't have been gazing out of the window. You do like pizza tho, right? =D Indigo x

  2. Well, I'm inspired... just ordered a large pepperoni pizza. Gluttony prevails!

  3. Hari Om
    1)the best writing takes place in the early morning, however
    2)the pride is not without some credence
    3)it deserves the numbers
    4)envy is a killer
    5)anger is a drag and will probably aid the self-murder
    6)lust is only lust if you do something about it - otherwise it is purely appreciation
    7)...torture - you didn't tell us what was ON the pizza!

    FANTASTIC entry in the Book of Roth! Hugs, YAM xx

    1. Namaste, Yam! You raise some good points, tho I'm not sure I agree with number 6 >;) The pizza was very, very meaty! No veg! Indigo x

  4. Was King blocking the front door with his ... snacks ... again?

    1. Hey Jenn! The front door? I'd settle for being able to get out of my bedroom. It's an abattoir out there! Indigo x

  5. the girl listen to her instincts and bolt while she can.

    and you, mr. Roth, should share your pizza with me...
    i've not had a good pizza in months.

    1. Hey Eolist! We can but hope she'll see the light. And yes, pizza would be fab; I've not had one for, well... *looks shifty* simply ages! Roth x

  6. "a young couple drift into view, ambling happily beside the park across the road. They're holding hands, and frequently exchange glances and smiles. They pause to kiss. It warms me to see it but, with a tiny green-eyed pang, I'm reminded that they share something I don't have."

    I can TOTALLY relate to that feeling, Indigo. I have been single now for almost THREE years. Most of the time I am very content being alone. Except when I see things like that.

    1. Hey Mia! It sucks, doesn't it? Hugs, Indigo x

  7. Very thorough of you, Indigo. :-)

    As for the pizza: yes. What Eolist said.


    1. Hey Pearl! Eolist is a wise lady, and short beyond her years. I think we should all gather at mine for a pizza party sometime; I'll be sending invites soon. Indigo x

  8. Yes, but at least your anger was well directed :) Perhaps you should have climbed down your ladder and introduced yourself to the neglected lady...?

    1. Hey Rebecca! Lovely to see you here! Actually, it didn't occur to me; the pizza distracted me at the key moment. Indigo =)

  9. You could've invited the lady up.

    Missed opporchancity there Mr Roth.

    Or was that just the gluttony working overtime?

    1. Sorry, are you suggesting I share my pizza?!

  10. I hope your readers will increase, at least by the people at yesterday's party!

    1. Hey Z! 'twas a delight, a pleasure in itself; no consequences required! Indigo x
